Script: Annie MOLLY Mama! Mama! Mommy! PEPPER Be quiet! DUFFY Can’t anybody get any sleep around here? MOLLY Mama. Mommy. PEPPER I said shut your trap, Molly. (shoves Molly) JULY Ahh, stop shovin’ the poor kid. She ain’t doin’ nuthin’ to you. PEPPERFile Size: KB. Download Annie Jr Script. Type: PDF. Date: October Size: MB. Author: Lisa Conlon. This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share it. If you are author or own the copyright of this book, please report to . SCRIPT – ANNIE – SIDE 1 (ANNIE, who is 11, runs in with a bucket. She has been up cleaning) ANNIE: Pipe down, all of ya. Go back to sleep. (To MOLLY) It's all right, Molly. Annie's here. MOLLY: It was my Mama, Annie. We was ridin' on the ferryboat. And she was holdin' me up to see all the big ships. AndFile Size: 41KB.
Annie Hall Script Download - Industrial Scripts®. New York comedian Alvy Singer reflects ruefully upon a failed relationship. When he first met Annie Hall on a tennis date, she was an insecure wallflower in trousers, vest and tie. But they shared a self-deprecating sense of humour, plus certain deep-seated neuroses, and love soon blossomed. SCRIPT - ANNIE - SIDE 1 (ANNIE, who is 11, runs in with a bucket. She has been up cleaning) ANNIE: Pipe down, all of ya. Go back to sleep. (To MOLLY) It's all right, Molly. Annie's here. MOLLY: It was my Mama, Annie. We was ridin' on the ferryboat. And she was holdin' me up to see all the big ships. And. Download File PDF Annie The Musical Script For Kids truly fun and creative experience they will never forget! Beautiful Mornin' In its th year, Billboard remains the world's premier weekly music publication and a diverse digital, events, brand, content and data licensing platform. Billboard publishes the most trusted charts and.
Download Annie Jr Script. Type: PDF. Date: October Size: MB. Author: Lisa Conlon. This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share it. If you are author or own the copyright of this book, please report to us by using this DMCA report form. Report DMCA. DOWNLOAD PDF. Goodnight, Annie. ANNIE Goodnight, Kate. JULY Goodnight, Annie. ANNIE Goodnight, July DUFFY Goodnight, Annie. ANNIE Goodnight, Duffy TESSIE Goodnight, Annie. ANNIE Goodnight, Tessie (The music coninues underneath as ANNIE carries MOLLY, who has fallen asleep, back to bed, and tucks her in over the 2nd 8 bars of instru-mental.) (Sings. ANNIE: Pipe down, all of ya. Go back to sleep. (To MOLLY) It's all right, Molly. Annie's here. MOLLY: It was my Mama, Annie. We was ridin' on the ferryboat. And she was holdin' me up to see all the big ships. And then I couldn't find her no more.