k 2. x 4. Premade market for Chestshop. 3D Art Map. 5. 1. VIEW. mbishop95 8 years ago • posted 8 years ago. k 6. 1k 1. x 2. Guardian Kingdom- Shadow Necromancer Chestshop Square. Complex Map. 95%. 1. VIEW. deathkiss • 7 years ago. This is a short tutorial about how to create a ChestShop on your Minecraft bltadwin.ru that to use the ChestShop plugin, you need to have installed the iConom.
While ChestShop should be compatible with all economy plugins that properly implement the Vault or Reserve economy API there have been some cases where certain plugins don't work as well as others. This page should help as an overview over economy plugins that have proven to be compatible and ones that are definitely not compatible at their current state. Now main description: EzChestShop [ECS] is a player chest shop(and admin cs) plugin designed for being easy to use, construct, and having GUI implementation. ECS is made compatible with major plugins like WorldGuard, Vault, and any economy plugin that uses Vault API. The plugin is designed not only for selling items but reverse of that, so players can buy items from their chest shop. Follow me on Google+ bltadwin.ru+LtJimPlugin Thread: bltadwin.ru BEST and CHEAPEST Minecra.
1k 1. x 2. Guardian Kingdom- Shadow Necromancer Chestshop Square. Complex Map. 95%. 1. VIEW. deathkiss • 7 years ago. M Downloads Updated Created . Vault is a Economy/Permission plugin for hooking into the various Economy and Permission plugins. Download. EssentialsX. A chest is a block that stores items. A chest can be broken using anything, but an axe is the fastest. Chests always drop themselves when mined. If the chest contains items, the items are also dropped when the chest is broken. If one half of a large chest is destroyed, the corresponding items from the destroyed chest are dropped and the remaining half continues to function as a small chest.